Should You Send A Senior Magazine To Every Inquiry?

I hear this all the time from senior photographers . . . “I send them my magazine and then they just disappear.”

Wanna know why? I’ll let you in on a little secret!

They don't really have a reason to call you back! They have all the information they "think" they need.

Sending a senior magazine to an inquiry might seem like the right thing to do so you can show them all the amazing things your photography business can do and how much it will cost them. But not all magazines are created equal. You gotta know WHAT information to send and WHEN to send it.

People don't do business with magazines and brochures.⁣ People want to do business with people.

Book more sessions with this one tiny tweak to your session inquiry workflow!

Think about how you like to purchase and book your own services. When you call a salon do you want to be sent a 20 page magazine with pretty pictures and every last detail to go through or do you want to talk to a person who can help you specifically with your problem? I think you already know the answer.

Now here's the thing. I'm not saying magazines are a bad thing. Hear me loud and clear there. But there is a right and a wrong time to send them. ⁣I use a beautiful magazine in my own senior photography studio, and I actually just launched my Senior Magazine Combo Template in the shop! Yay! 🎉

Here’s the thing. A magazine (and pricing) should never be sent to a cold lead (someone you've never spoken to). Instead, the senior inquiry magazine should be used strategically to help close the deal just in case you weren't able to in a phone call or a consult. This is exactly why I created my senior magazine templates the way I did, to help you know what information to actually send to an inquiry vs what information to send to your clients to get them 100% prepared for their senior session experience! ⁣

I hope you'll tweak your inquiry workflow a bit to book consults and use the senior inquiry magazine as an added tool instead of ONLY sending the magazine. My booking rate went through the roof when I did this a few years ago, and I bet it will be the same for you too. Let me know if you make the change too!