Is Brand Inconsistency Slowly Killing Your Business?

Years ago if you had asked me what a brand was, I would have said something about a company’s logo and colors.  I would have given you examples of how big companies like Coca Cola or Apple are recognizable because of that too.  But I probably wouldn’t have been able to go any deeper than that.  

Luckily as time goes by, we learn things.  Right?!  And thankfully I’ve learned a lot about what a brand actually is and isn’t since then.  I believe that’s one of the reasons my senior photography business has been able to grow so much over the years.  I’m not just creating pretty pictures.  I don’t just have a logo and a pretty website that I love.

My studio has meaning, purpose & a message that honestly wasn’t very clear to me back when I started my business.  I just wanted to take pictures and make people happy. But those good intentions have evolved into what I think is a wonderful brand that I am proud to represent. We provide an amazing experience for our clients.  We give them, yes, products that are priceless, but more than that, we bring out emotions that they want to hold onto forever.  We make them feel something - both the parents and the seniors.  That’s what a brand is all about actually.

People fall in love with and become loyal to brands that make them feel something and give them something to believe in. 

How does your photography business brand make people feel?

What do your clients believe in or come to know as true as they go through their journey with your business?

Seth Godin defines a brand as “the set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another. If the consumer (whether it’s a business, a buyer, a voter or a donor) doesn’t pay a premium, make a selection or spread the word, then no brand value exists for that consumer.”

Let’s try to put that into our own little corner of the world . . . booking a senior photography client. While I wish I could book 100% of the people who schedule a pre-booking consult with me, I don’t. And it’s not really realistic for me to think I can, right?

So if an inquiry chooses another photographer to work with over me, I have to ask myself why . . . why was there no brand value for that prospective client?  Did I not make a good enough connection?  Did my business not meet their expectations?  Did they not fall in love with or were they not able to see themselves in the stories I told?

Here’s the thing.  It’s ok if they don't value what I have to offer.  Maybe we just weren’t a good fit.

Can you honestly say that when you don’t book the session?  Is it ok with you?  

You don’t want to do business with someone who doesn’t value what you offer anyway, right?  Neither of you would be very happy.  But be honest with yourself.  Was the problem that they weren’t the perfect fit or were you concentrating on the wrong things during that conversation? Did you even have a conversation at all?

Ouch! Right? Don’t worry. I’ve had to ask myself the same things!

There are 2 types of photographers. 

Ones who try to book sessions based on the number of digitals, the number of outfits, the price of products, the size of the albums, and all the other session details that pretty much only make sense to us. 

The other photographer is much more successful at booking sessions.  This photographer brings a person into the story of a session day experience, makes the customer feel valued, heard, important and focuses the conversation around the meaning behind their call. The second photographer understands the value is in their brand and the experience, not the number of digitals.  

This is where a consumer will find the value in what your business offer (and sometimes, maybe not).  We all value different things, and there’s nothing wrong with that.  But when you hit on a customer’s pain points, bring them into the story, make them the center of attention and make them feel something that aligns with your brand words & message, then you are much more likely to make them a client for life.

So what is a brand again? 

  • A brand is how someone explains your company when you aren’t around.

  • A brand is how your prospects and clients feel when they experience your business.

  • A brand tells a story that attracts the attention of clients who value that kind of story.

  • And finally, a brand has a personality and a vibe that’s all it’s own, almost like one of your children would have the very same things.  

Defining your brand words and message

One of the best things you can do for your business is to fully understand your brand’s personality and the message you want to put out into the world.  Sending mixed messages about who you are and the type of service you offer is what leads to confusion in the minds of your potential clients.  

You can’t be luxurious and then offer discounted mini sessions.  You can’t be a senior photographer and then throw in some boudoir shots every now and then.  Light & airy one day then dark & moody the next.  A “custom” photographer that only offers all inclusive digital sessions. 

Inconsistency in your brand can be the slow death of your business. 

It’s time to do some head work and some soul searching about your brand.  

Ask yourself these questions:

  • What is your brand message?  What do you stand for?  What should potential clients expect from your business?  How will they feel?  And what do you hope people will say about your business when you aren’t around?

  • How does a prospective client feel when they experience your brand for the first time?  Are they confused, lost, frustrated?  Are they blown away, wowed, excited to know more about you?

  • How does a client feel as they experience your brand throughout their journey with you?  Are they valued, listened to, taken care of every step of the way?  Or are they always waiting on you, asking questions they don’t have answers to and feel like they are an inconvenience? 

Real world example: Think about your experience at a Ritz Carlton or other fancy resort versus a lower end hotel chain.  How about your experience at a nice steak restaurant versus a fast food burger restaurant?  Totally different, right?  And as they should be.  They are sending different messages and attracting different types of customers.  I bet all of those companies know their brand words! How about you? Who do you want to be consistently attracting?

Time for a little homework

Sit down for a little bit in a quiet place to think about your brand.  I want you to come up with 3 words to describe it.  Your brand should reflect your personality, your photographic style and standards, and your niche in the marketplace.  Taking that into account, what 3 words best describe your brand? 

Here are a few examples to get you started. 

Elegant, fresh, fun, adventurous, colorful, whimsical, bright, traditional, sophisticated, quirky, authentic, high-quality, convenient, personalized, creative . . . .

Why is this important for your business?  Because every single piece of content that you put out on your website, social media, client correspondence should all align with those 3 words.  If it doesn’t then there is brand inconsistency.  Stay aligned with your brand and you will begin to get clarity, confidence & in turn, a few more deposits in your bank account.

If you complete this little assignment I’d love to know what 3 words you came up with for your brand. 

Reach out to me on Instagram & let me know!  

*** DON’T MISS THIS! ***

Have you ever wanted a little extra help in your business? Someone to come along beside you & help you set it up the right way?

Do you want to be able to bring home a paycheck, spend more time with your family and save for retirement doing the thing you love? If that sounds like you, then I’d love to invite you into Studio Secrets.

The doors open November 4th for something very special for a handful of photographers who are ready to get laser focused on their businesses.

Studio Secrets is a 6 month business coaching intensive where we dive deep into your business together. It’s not a DIY course on one or two topics. This is EVERYTHING you could ever need to know (and all the tools & resources) to run a senior photography business - branding, messaging, websites, pricing, sales, marketing, social media, senior model teams, systems, workflow, automation and SO MUCH MORE! And bonus - you get me to lead you through it in our hot seat calls and a private community to bounce ideas around with.

If you’re ready to turn your expensive hobby into a thriving business be sure you are on the wait list.

Plus you save $500 on launch day - November 4th. Woohoo! I can’t wait to work with you!

Success is found in the simplicity of a system.

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