013: From $300 to $3000 Sales | Studio Secrets Case Study With Robbye Jepsen

Hey guess what?  It’s not too late to sneak into The Road To CEO, my 3 part business workshop for senior photographers. I’d love to have you in there with me and a bunch of other amazing photographers over the next week.  Day one of The Road To CEO workshop was released yesterday, so you aren’t too far behind if you are listening to this episode as it’s released. That FB Community is on fire!  I can’t believe the conversations we are having in there already.  It’s just been an amazing week together so far.  Thank you if you are already there.  We are going to turn your businesses around!

We are talking all about why systems are so important in your photography business.  I’m going to break down one very important system - the pre-booking consult and booking a new client, and then we’re also going to chat about shifting from the role of an employee to the CEO.

Come join us while there’s still time.  You can register at www.seniorstudiosuccess.com/ceo.  

Ok, so today’s episode is going to be a little different than what you have been hearing from me.  I asked a few of the photographers who were in Studio Secrets to do some case study interviews with me, and today is the very first one with Robbye Jepsen of Robbye Jepsen Photography.  She did a little one on one mentoring with me and then joined Studio Secrets last year.  To say her business has changed would be a huge understatement.  

Robbye took everything seriously.  She worked so hard to get her systems, pricing, branding and workflow in place.  And it has paid off big time. 

She went from $300, $400 and $500 sales to consistent $3000 sales. 

And since recording this, some even higher ones.  I couldn’t be prouder of this woman.  Listen to the very end if you can. 

It’s good stuff.  Let’s do this.   

Jena  0:00  

Hey Miss Robbie, I'm so excited that you're here.

Jena Speaker  0:07  

I loved having you inside studio secrets. It has been amazing to work with you. And so I'm really excited for our talk today. So let's just kind of jump into Studio Secrets, your business, you want to tell me a little bit about your business? Maybe like, what did it look like before you were inside Studio Secrets? Or before you were working with me? 

Robbye 0:35

Okay. So a little bit about my business before working with you? Well, I did mentor, you remember, a few months before I started Studio Secrets. So that kind of started me off with you and your ways and all your magic.

Robbye Speaker  0:55  

I have to say, prior to working with you. I wasn't really very, I don't know, I wasn't working in my business. I was just kind of relying on word of mouth and people, you know, saying oh, I have a friend. She does senior portraits. I wasn't really shooting all that much. I didn't have that many clients. I was not marketing myself. I would say that is the biggest I wasn't asking for business. I wasn't putting myself out there. And I was just kind of waiting for things to fall in my lap and I wasn't charging enough. And you know, I was just moving along but not really running a business.

Jena Speaker  1:34  

I remember talking to you through that. I remember your pricing for sure before.

Robbye Speaker  1:42  

Yeah, not much.

Jena Speaker  1:44  

Hey, you know what, everybody has a day one, a year one, you know, it grows over time. So believe me, I made the exact same mistakes that you made. We all make them, right? We aren't born knowing how to run a business. So it makes sense. Um, so like, why did you, what pushed you to reach out and get help with your business? Like why did you decide to jump on this bandwagon? 

Robbye Speaker  2:13  

Well, I joined your group that you have on Facebook, your Senior Studio Success Group, and I was just always blown away by how much useful information, like practical information, that you would give without asking for anything in return. You were just there to help people. You're so encouraging. You want everybody to succeed. And you know, if people were having a bad day or getting discouraged, you were always very uplifting and you know, you can do it and you're like the biggest cheerleader for all of us. So..

Jena Speaker  2:48  

That's huge. Oh my gosh! 

Robbye Speaker 2:50

So you know, you could tell like, so many people out there, they're helpful but then you know, they're standing there going, Well, I could tell you about that, but you're gonna have to pay me so you know, you were just so giving of any information that you had and you know, you have such a great community of people that are there to learn and you know, you're doing the right thing.  You're doing a good job. 

Jena Speaker  3:15  

That's so cool. But you know, yeah, it's like you know, I started the group and everything and I love to get in there and teach and give to the community. There are so many amazing photographers in there that are very quick to jump in and offer help and now as your business improves, you'll jump in there and offer help and that's just huge. I love community. So I think that's been a really big deal. And I think that's where you start learning to trust people too, hopefully.  That's what I do, you know, when I, right, get help. So, that's cool. Okay, awesome. Well, let's dive into Studio Secrets a little bit. Um, specifically, what do you feel like maybe if you can pinpoint one was like, your biggest breakthrough moment, or your biggest aha moments?  Could you narrow that down to one? 

Robbye Speaker 4:18

Well, I think as far as an aha moment, I think one of my biggest obstacles to overcome was charging more money. I was scared to ask for more money. Therefore, I wasn't marketing myself because I was like, what are people gonna think? You know, what are my neighbors gonna think? What are my friends gonna think? What are people gonna think? Like how does she have the audacity to ask for this much money when somebody who's very talented right down the road, will do it for $200? So I think that was kind of like the biggest roadblock for me was getting my pricing in order. And knowing why I was priced the way I was, not just coming up with “Oh, I want to charge $3,000” but knowing why I'm charging that and where my costs were, what my cost of running a business is. And knowing at the end of the day, if I charged $2,000, how much of that was going to be profit and how much of it was going to be, because I worked really hard.

Jena Speaker  5:18  

And I think just knowing those numbers gives you so much more confidence in asking for the bigger sale, right?

Jena Speaker  5:28  

But those are big hurdles to get over. That’s hard. That money mindset stuff, is like, “I'm not worth it”, you completely doubt yourself. So I get that completely. I love that you have tackled those head on. I have watched you do that. And it's just been, I mean, just come in from where you were, when you first started with your sales to the ones that you have posted inside the group. I'm like, this lady is killing it, and it's just gonna keep growing, and it just excites me. And you know too, I think that you can tell me if you found this to be true, that you, um, you attract a different type of client when your prices are set higher, when you're not at the bottom of the market

Robbye Speaker  6:20  

Right. And the other thing, and I didn't even tell you about my last couple sales that I had this last couple days.

Jena Speaker  6:25  

Oh I’m excited to hear those!

Robbye Speaker  6:28  

I know, Well, one thing you know, everybody, I think gets repeat business. And so it's like when you change your pricing, and you know, oh gosh, I did a senior two years ago for so many $100. And now her sister's coming in, and I just have this dread of they're not going to hire me. Should I offer them a discount? Should I talk about it? You know why I changed my pricing? Do I have to validate that and I've had in the last couple of weeks, I've had three repeat clients from a few years ago that did not bat an eye and gave me four times as much money as they gave me last time. 

Jena Speaker  7:06  

Because they know.  And do you know why? They see the value. And you know, there's, to me, there's a separation between worth and value. Your worth is priceless, right? We can't set our prices on our worth, we set our prices on the value of what we offer and your work is beautiful. I know you give those girls an amazing experience. And those mamas were like “sold”. I know, she saw the value or they saw the value. And I just think that that is a beautiful thing. You didn't even have to talk about the pricing. So how cool is that Robbye? Oh my gosh.

Robbye Speaker  7:46  

Very cool.

Jena Speaker  7:46  

So, did you have a favorite part or a module or an area of your business? I know we've talked about pricing a lot but and maybe that's it, but did you have a favorite part of Studio Secrets, a module that you liked the best? 

Robbye Speaker  8:05  

Well, aside from the pricing. So I would have to say that was probably, because that's early on, I would have to say that was one of the ones that was pivotal for me. But I also really liked the systems and workflows because it kind of gave me a little bit more handle on things and structure to things and I think because I was so systematic about the way I was, you know, doing things, it gave my clients more confidence that I knew what I was doing and that I wasn't just going to show up. They felt prepared. They knew that I was going to give them a great experience because I had told them all about it and everything just moved along a lot smoother than kind of winging it you know, which I think we've all kind of done before. 

Jena Speaker  8:56  

I think we've all done that and just given them a little PDF when you first start out. These are the things to do, these are the things, into full blown hand holding them through the entire process and that only up levels the experience and gives even more value and like you said, they're more confident in you and the process as a whole and it just brings them inside this whole story and I think it validates their decision right to spend with you

Jena Speaker  9:43  

Okay, so we lost our internet connection, but that's okay. We're going to rally right here and we're going to be just fine. We were talking about your favorite module or area of your business. You had mentioned systems and giving the clients a little bit more confidence in their decision and validating their decision to book with you. So I love that. I love that you probably feel a little bit more control and confident about your business too, right? I love love love it. And so do you feel like your business has changed for the good since being inside Studio Secrets? 

Robbye Speaker  10:20  


Jena Speaker  10:23  

Did you just roll your eyes at me?

Robbye Speaker  10:26  

No it's like that was mind blowing. It's mind blowing how much it's changed. It's not even. Oh, yeah, I mean, I'm just like . . . 

Jena Speaker  10:36  

Oh, That's so cool.

Robbye Speaker  10:37  

You know, what's really cool?

Jena Speaker  10:38  

What's that?

Robbye Speaker  10:39  

Just in the last couple of days, I've noticed all these seniors starting to follow me before I follow them. Like that's big. 

Jena Speaker  10:47  

That's when you are on the right track. Yeah, that is huge. Oh my gosh, I love it. I love it. Um, Ah, that's huge!  You need to go tell people in the group that because I know that that's really discouraging, it can be discouraging, the whole Instagram game. So yeah, make sure you go tell the girls that because they would absolutely love hearing that. And so, on community, how would you describe the Facebook community that comes with Studio Secrets? Have you enjoyed the community aspect of it? 

Robbye Speaker  11:24  

Yes. And I feel like I've made new friends. I mean, like real friends, you know.  I think everybody is kind of in a different place. Some people have been in business for 10 years, or even more, some people are just starting out or switching to a different genre over to seniors. And I feel like, everybody is just so encouraging, you know, if you're having a bad day, or you just can't seem to get any traction.

Robbye Speaker  11:50  

Um, if you can't seem to get any traction, you know, just getting going. You know, I think, um, I think that it just takes patience. And I think that, you know, some people are just like, well, gosh, I don't have any bookings, you know, and you're like, just hang in there, you can't give up. I mean, there's times when I didn't have any bookings, or, you know, just recently, I hadn't had, and I hate to admit this. I have a model team so I've been quite busy. But I haven't had any new inquiries, like through my calendly for probably since February. And in the last week, I've had six. 

Jena Speaker  12:29  

Yeah, isn't that fun? Oh, 

Robbye Speaker  12:29  

It's like school started and now people are like, Oh, I need senior portraits. 

Jena Speaker  12:38  

That is, exactly how it works. Sometimes it can be seasonal, and we get these dead periods. And it really hurts our confidence.

Jena Speaker  12:47  

And that's where community comes in, and we, we kind of rally behind each other and go, it's okay, it's coming back. This thing is a roller coaster. So, I definitely need that myself. I know my business partner or an assistant that I have here is always saying the same thing. Jena, you know what's going to happen.  Even when I, I mean, I've been doing this since 2005. I know this business. I know how it runs, right? And every winter, I'm like, my business is over, nobody loves me anymore and then you know, it comes back full circle. So I get it. We all have our emotional moments. And I think I love that part of the community. And do you feel like there's been like an, or maybe I should say this, like, what do you feel like has been the biggest impact on your business since doing Studio Secrets?

Robbye Speaker  13:51  

Seriously, it's just confidence. I just didn't have the confidence to put myself out there. It's really hard. I mean, I'm not a shy person. Like, yeah, you're not, I'm not shy. It's just, it's so hard to put yourself out there and be vulnerable to this is what I have to offer. You know, let me tell you about it. It’s gonna be an investment, but I'll make it worth it. And you know what I mean, and it's just, it's really hard to ask for that. And once it is, seriously, I've said this to so many people in the group, when they start to see success, I'll say it's literally like, a switch just flipped on. I mean, it's a total mind game. And until you're ready to play it and get it, you know, and stick it out. It's just, you know, it's not if you're looking for instant gratification and instant success. It's not going to I mean, maybe it'll happen but it didn't . I mean, I had to be very patient. 

Jena Speaker  15:00  

Yeah, this is being an entrepreneur just in general, and especially in this business where we're dealing with mommas and teenagers. This is not for the faint of heart, and you have to have some thick skin. And you're right, a lot of patience. Because I think in this world, we're so used to instant gratification. And you know, everything on the internet is right now and instant.  We can get on our phones and get anything, We can click a button and buy and things happen all the time so fast. And so when we put our stuff out there in the world, what we're like, okay, okay, where is it? Why is it not instant? So it's hard to sit back and wait, and just trust the process. I know, y'all get sick of me saying that hearing me say that, yeah, do really just have to trust it, and they will come. And believe me, I have to tell myself that it's true all the time. 

Robbye Speaker  15:55  

I was just gonna say, I feel like when you have when your energy is right, you start attracting that. 

Jena Speaker  16:04  

100% Yeah, what you put out into the world is what you get back from it, and we talk a lot about that inside there. And it's not always easy to hear. Because you know, when you're in a bad place, you sometimes just you're, you really, really want to push that off. But I think the more you hear it, the more it starts to sink in. And it kind of changes the way that you act and react to the world and, and all that. So that's really cool. Um, let's switch gears just a little bit, um, and talk about and I know you're gonna laugh at me, but um, work life balance, because we're both moms. And that is not an easy topic. But do you feel like as your business has, you've gotten a little bit more control over it. And um, you know, you're charging more, you don't have to work as much do you feel like your work life balance is a little bit better now than it maybe was before.

Robbye Speaker  17:18  

That's not an area that I excel in.

Robbye Speaker  17:25  

But I will say I did not start this until my children were older. And so you know, my youngest is starting her last year of college soon, so they don't need me as much. And so this is kind of like a period of time in my business where I do have to work at it more, put more time into it. And I'm kind of seeing that if I don't do it, I'm not going to be successful at it. So I have to treat it like a job. But I definitely take time for myself. And I take time with my family and my friends. And I don't feel guilty about it. And also, you know what, ever since I've just gotten more organized with the systems and the workflow, I noticed my mind is quieter. Like I am not racing thoughts thinking about it twenty-four seven. And that's huge. Because I would literally dream about it. 

Jena Speaker  18:21  

Yeah, that's not a good place to be.

Jena Speaker  18:21  

Business needs to be business life needs to be life. And we've got to separate the two. Now I don't stop being a mom, just because I put my photographer hat on, and vice versa. But we do have to learn to separate it and that's healthy for us. Right? And I'm glad you said that about, you know, you having older kids.  Mine are a mixture. But um, you know, we're all in different seasons of life. Like right now you're hunkering down and you're trying to fit into, you know, a shorter amount of time, getting your business, right, right, because ...

Robbye Speaker  19:04  

I don't think I'm going to work for 30 more years. 

Jena Speaker  19:04  

Exactly. Who wants to?!  Me neither.  I will not be doing that!  Maybe we'll take our vacation on the beach, or to the mountains or wherever you want to go. But, um, but yeah, I think that's a really good point. Because, you know, we are all in different phases of life. And, you know, sometimes, or I'll remember when I was, you know, when I had toddlers, and I would look at successful photographers and say, oh my gosh, how do they get all that done? How are they doing all these sessions out? Well, their kids were in college, and they could easily do that they're not changing diapers and having to make bottles and do all the things and the mom's day out and the little library, things like that. Being a mom is a full time job in and of itself. So we have to give ourselves grace with our businesses when we're raising our babies.

And you know, maybe our business can't be our full time thing. But um, but as the kids get older, obviously we can dedicate a little bit more to it. As long as we're keeping a good balance. And I think that you do a good job because I see you going on your trips when you completely lose all your cell service, you're like, I ran to the cafe so I can get service.

Robbye Speaker  20:22  

The library, sitting in my car outside the library. 

Jena Speaker  20:22  

Yeah, yeah. So I know you're taking your family time. And I love that. And so do you think that the systems and setting up new habits has helped you to keep Life Life and Work Work? 

Robbye Speaker  20:40  

Yeah, automating things. I never had anything automated before. Yeah, so that's huge. Not to have, you know, it's like, oh, somebody booked with me, and then to know that they're gonna get a little email, you know, setting up giving them some details. And I don't have to, like, you know, make a phone call or type out an email every single time. 

Jena Speaker  21:01  

Yes. And I think that goes back to the whole quieting your mind thing, and having 1000 to dos in your head. It’s just so much more peaceful when you have systems set up. So that's awesome. I love that you said that, um, a little bit more, and then we'll wrap this up. But do you feel like there was like this, for lack of a better term, like this magical moment, I guess, of when you could kind of see the big picture or think, Oh, my gosh, my side hustle really could turn into a full time business and actually, I could pay myself from it. Anything come to mind maybe? 

Robbye Speaker  21:44  

Well, I think one of the things that you teach in studio secrets, or one of the things that you do is you get on and do a zoom consult, and maybe it was because of COVID or maybe just because it was, you know, you didn't have to leave the house. But I never did that before. I didn't really even have a team before I met you. I had a little bitty team.

Robbye Speaker  21:44  

I had a little bitty team last year, but it was during COVID. So I didn't really try to get a big team because I didn't want the numbers. But I think when I started recruiting for my team, and we had talked, you know, we talked a lot about that kind of thing. But I started recruiting for my team and I was setting up calendly. They were booking that through a link in my Instagram, and I had all these girls booked to do their zoom consult. I set a goal to have 15 girls thinking like, Oh, I was shooting the moon, you know. And I booked 15 out of the 16. So that let me know that if I can get you on the phone or in, you know, at least see your face that I have a pretty good success rate with that. Absolutely. Yeah, that was a huge confidence builder. 

Jena Speaker  23:06  

Yeah. When you said that, and I apologize for cutting you off. I got excited. I'm like, Oh, I know what you're talking about. Yeah, our pre-booking consult, I did those, speaking of, and I'll tie this back to work life balance, you know, raising kids and running back and forth to sporting events and all that. I knew I didn't have a lot of time. And so I started my zoom consult long before COVID. So when COVID hit, I was like, Oh, I got this. I know what I'm doing. But I went to zoom consults. Because I did not have an extra hour in my day, you know, besides doing the consult, you had to do the cleaning up and getting ready and all the things and when you're on zoom, you only have this little space, right that you're responsible for.

Robbye Speaker  23:52  

with, with all the puppies around us. 

Jena Speaker  23:52  

Yeah, they can sit around as much as they want as long as they're going to be good and quiet. I'm good with them in the room. But um, but yeah, the whole face to face to me is so much more important, or it goes so much better than a phone call. And that's really cool. Are you using the scripts that's inside Studio Secrets for your consults? 

Robbye Speaker  24:30  

I do. I do use the scripts, I do use the scripts that you know, you've heard people say, you know, all over the place that it's like, you may not be the best photographer in town, but people are hiring you for you. And if you can get them and I know a lot of people are kind of, that's not something that's not a strong suit for them to talk to people on the phone or you know, get on camera and do that. But it is a huge thing for my business. I would not have half the bookings if I didn't do it. 

Jena Speaker  24:50  

Yeah, but you know, I'm glad you said that because I mean that's a skill that we have to learn and perfect, just like our camera skills, right?  We have to learn how to talk to people and get over the shyness and the flubbing over words and, and sometimes a script will help us to start building our confidence so that we can just like at this point now I don't prep for anything I just open up my calendar appointment and it's on so. 

Robbye Speaker  25:31  

Yeah, there's a lot of confidence. Yeah, there's a lot of confidence with knowing you have a script. And so it's like, just follow the script. And it doesn't really deviate all that much. And so it's like, I know, you know, I don't have to sit here and think of questions and worry about it and stress about it. It's just there it is. That's what I'm going to do. And it works. 

Jena Speaker  25:45  

Right. Yeah. What order you do things in. Yeah, I love that. Okay, cool. I love that those are going well. Um, well, let's wrap up. Let's, uh, let's give a little bit of encouragement to other photographers who are maybe where you were a year ago, or previously, like, we all know that there are long days long, nights when it comes to doing this business. So like, do you have a tip or some words of encouragement that you would give other photographers who you know are going to be either in it or go into the facing those coming up in their business? 

Robbye Speaker  26:25  

Well, a few major things, I think, patience, you have to have patience. And if somebody tells you, don't take it personally, it is, I mean, I try so hard not to take it personally. It's just business. And most of the time, it's not you, it's just, you know, the dollars. So don't take it personally. Because, you know, if somebody isn't in the financial situation where they can pay you, that doesn't mean that they're not going to call you when their circumstances change. So just because you're hearing No, it's Don't take it personally.  You gotta hear the no’s before you hear the yeses. And don't get discouraged. I wholeheartedly, I put that little, that little sticker board up on my refrigerator. I said, I’m gonna have 50 clients, and I was like, Okay, first I wrote 40, then I changed it to 50. And I said, I'm gonna look at this every day, and I'm gonna believe that it can happen. And if you put it out there, it makes such a huge difference if you just put it out there and have a mindset that I can do this. 

Jena Speaker  27:38  

Yeah, that came from inside the group, us talking and chatting and brainstorming. And I love that. And yeah, I love that visual. It's a good thing to challenge you. And it's also a good thing to encourage you to. So love that. 

Robbye Speaker  27:53  

Yes. So I do think that just being a part of a community of people who are in the same boat, and have someone like yourself to lead us because you know that this works if you work it, and you can't blame, you know, a lot of times people will be like, well, I tried this, and it didn't work. And I tried this, and it didn't work. And I tried this and it didn't work. And it's like, well, what's the common denominator there? Sometimes it's you.

Robbye Speaker  28:16  

You have to believe in yourself. Right? If you don't believe that it's going to work, then it's not going to work.

Jena Speaker  28:24

You're 100% right. Those are things that we all have to work through. And I love that, you know, I think as strong as our group has been, um, we're okay to call each other out and go, No, you need to stop that right now. And this is what’s gonna happen if you don't, so and this is gonna happen, if you will, and then everybody comes in, and they're like, go, go, go. So yeah, I love that. But yeah, there are long days and long nights, and it's just inevitable and, and it's, I think it's cool to have people who, you know, have your back. So that's awesome. Um, so I guess, let's end with this. I’m going to ask you a very bold question right now. Um, would you recommend Studio Secrets to another photographer? And if you did, like, I guess, who is the perfect person for it? Describe like, their business or who they are, where they are in life and that sort of thing.  The floor is yours darling. 

Robbye Speaker  29:36  

Oh, gosh, I think someone much like myself who, you know, you got your camera skills down. I mean, you know, you kind of need to know what you're doing. You don't have to be the best out there. But you have to know what you're doing. You have to want to succeed. You have to want to turn all the time that you're spending, like channel it and get it organized and get your systems in place.  You know, you're looking to put yourself out there and be a little bit more bold and you know, be a part of a community where people are going to uplift you. And it's so great when you see other people having success and sharing it in the group and then it inspires you.  You're like yeah, I can do this too. I can do this too. I have all the systems right here in front of me. I just need to work them. And so I think somebody who's, you know, you just need a little bit more help organizing your business and maybe changing up a few little things that aren't working for you but it's all laid out there for you. You just have to join and I'm joining again because I still have some work.  You know, I don't think the work is ever done. 

But I know I still have some work to do and it's just nice to know that you have a group that you know, you can post a question at two o'clock in the morning and somebody will answer.

Jena Speaker  31:07  

Well, that's awesome. I'm excited to have you back.  So would you say that you feel like you got your investment back out of it? Was it worth it? 

Robbye Speaker  31:25  

In one sale. In one sale. I got it back. Not even kidding. 

Jena Speaker  31:31  

That's amazing. And hopefully it will continue to just exponentially reward you so I hope so and in more ways than just money. Right? We know it's not just about money. I love.. 

Robbye Speaker  31:40  

That huge confidence builder. It's a huge confidence builder when something that you're passionate about is successful. 

Jena Speaker  31:49  

Yeah, that's 100% 

Robbye Speaker  31:50  

And you've given me that.

Jena Speaker  31:51  

Robbye, thank you!  Oh this is amazing. Can we do this like every week? I would be okay with that.

Jena Speaker  32:01  

No, I'm so proud of you. I'm so proud that you were like bring it on, let's do this, let's take this challenge on.  And you did it and you're still doing it and it's just paying off tenfold I feel like for you and I can't wait to see what another year brings you.  Where are you going to be? Who's Robbye going to be a year from now?  So I'm super excited to see your business and the people that you impact and and to have you just lead other women and now I’m getting emotional oh

Jena Speaker  32:43  

I'll go get the Kleenex and I’ll turn this off.

Jena Speaker  32:46  

Um, but anyway, I really enjoyed getting to know you, one, as a woman and a business owner and getting to do life and business with you. And I'm going to turn this off now before I completely boohoo. So thank you Robbye a million times for doing this with me and I will see you back in the group.

Robbye Speaker  33:10  

Yay. All right. See you. Love you girl. Bye.

Jena Speaker  33:15  

Love you. Bye. 

Wow.  This woman blows me away.  Her confidence had gone through the roof, just like her sales over this last year.  I’d love for that to be you.  If you are on the fence about joining Studio Secrets, maybe you heard something today in Robbye’s voice that will make your decision a little easier.  If you need to talk to me one on one, set up a clarity call, and let’s make sure you are a good fit.  

Ok guys.  I hope you enjoyed that.  If you know Robbye personally (I know some of you who listen definitely do) reach out & give her a virtual high five.  She deserves it!  I’ll see you over in the Senior Studio Success FB Group or on Insta!  Have a great rest of your week y’all!

*** DON’T MISS THIS! ***

If you need somebody to come along beside you and help you do business the right way so that you can bring home a paycheck, spend more time with your family and save for retirement then you need Studio Secrets.  

The doors open November 4th for something very special for a handful of photographers who are ready to get laser focused on their businesses.  

Studio Secrets is a 6 month business coaching intensive where we dive deep into your business together.  It’s not a DIY course on one or two topics.  This is EVERYTHING you could ever need to know (and all the tools & resources) to run a senior photography business - branding, messaging, websites, pricing, sales, marketing, social media, senior model teams, systems, workflow, automation and SO MUCH MORE!  And bonus - you get me to lead you through it in our hot seat calls and a private community to bounce ideas around with.

If you’re ready to turn your expensive hobby into a thriving business be sure you are on the waitlist.

Plus you save $500 on launch day - November 4th.  Woohoo!  I can’t wait to work with you! 

Success is found in the simplicity of a system.

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