079: What It Looks Like To Work With Me

Hey guys, welcome back to the Senior Studio Success Podcast. My name is Jena.  I’m your host here, founder of Senior Studio Success and my signature program, Studio Secrets.

I love helping photographers with their systems.  That’s kinda jam.

Last week at SYNC I met so many new people & made lots of new connections.  Between teaching my jump start class & in so many conversations, you guys asked me while I was there in a variety of ways exactly how to work with me.  And I get these DMs too.  So I thought I would break that down here on the podcast because sometimes business coaching can be foreign if you’ve never invested in a coach or purchased something outside of a small course or a membership type platform.

What I do is a little different than that, so I’m going to walk you through all the different ways I help photographers & why I do what I do.

Ok, here’s why I even got into this business coaching world . . . 

I saw gaps in the education space.  Basically I created something I wish I had when I was starting out.  I was in these facebook groups watching all these photographers around me struggle with trying to run a business and raise kids and not making any real money.  And I thought, well, I could help her with that.  Oh, I can help fix that for her.  I would hurt for these women staying up all hours of the night, living on caffeine & 4 day dry shampoo hair, just trying to survive the fall season.  

I had lived that life so I knew what it felt like & I had fixed those problems in my business by setting up these repeatable systems that bought me my time back.  And I wanted to help other women do the same thing.

So I started dabbling in 1:1 coaching, then created a few small group programs before creating my signature program, Studio Secrets & now it has grown even more.  

So here goes . . . there are multiple ways to work with me.  The way you probably hear about the most is Studio Secrets & I’ll talk to you a little bit about that today.

But the options I offer are all based on time and proximity to me.  What is our most valuable asset?  Our time, right?  So, as I give more time in a specific coaching space, it will come at a higher cost.

Think about it like volume photography vs custom photography.  And of course, there are things in between like studio only, limited edition sessions, model teams.  Our highest priced sessions are the 1:1 custom work because those clients get the most time and access to us, right?  It’s the same in the coaching or education space.  

My 1:1 clients are tight with me.  We have some of the deepest conversations ever.  This is where you make big shifts in your mindset which cause even greater shifts in your business and in your bottom line.  Yes, it’s the most expensive option, but it’s also where you see the biggest results.

Some of my clients want to jump feet first into 1:1 coaching.  They are fully ready to commit & go there.  It’s a big financial commitment, but they trust themselves enough to invest & put in the work between our calls.  

Obviously because it’s the highest ticket item in my coaching options, I have less 1:1 clients than I do group coaching clients.  But I designed it like that on purpose right.  Back to the topic of time.  There’s only so much to go around.  And I give everything, no matter what part of my world you are in - from free to small programs to 1:1.  


So let’s go through those.  Who doesn’t love free?  I do!  So I put a lot of free & valuable content out into the world. 

Since you’re listening to this, the number one free way to get into my world is to listen to this podcast each week.  I drop a new episode every Wednesday (unless something crazy is going on).  You’ll hear a lot of what and why here and some how to’s.  But it’s not really a place where you can ask questions, right?  Hence, free.  I record it ahead of time & put it out into the world for you to listen to anytime you want.

Another free way to get in my world is the Senior Studio Success Facebook Group.  It’s a pretty awesome community where you can hop in & ask business questions about something you might be struggling with.  You’ll hear from me & other photographers in the group who have gone through something similar & can share their insight on it.

Inside that FB Group, I do Live Mini Trainings where, if you show up live, you can ask me questions on that topic.  I love to hang out with you guys in there!

Something brand new I’m bringing to the FB Group & Podcast is a Q&A series.  There’s a featured post in the top of the FB Group where you can submit your questions & I’ll choose the best ones to discuss here on the podcast.

And of course, my social media content.  That’s where I’m going to push your buttons, motivate you & make you think.  I want to challenge you to look at your business differently & help you to make some better decisions.



The next way to get into my world, in a lower ticket way, is through masterclasses and programs.  Masterclasses are those $50 - $200 classes on a specific topic & I set the price based on the results you’ll get from taking those classes.  Think of a masterclass the way you would think about volume photography.  It’s usually the most budget friendly way because you can work with lots of people in a short amount of time.  It’s the same way with masterclasses.

If you pay attention to social media & my emails, you’ll figure out that I offer these on pre-sell.  That’s the best time to get in on those classes.  Why pay more when you don’t have to?  I like to reward my action takers & the best reward for any business owner is a discount!

I just did the Annual Planning Masterclass in January.  Coming up later this year is Book More Clients, Model Team Magic & Own Your Time.  So be looking out for those :)

Next up in the low ticket offers are programs.  Think of these like you would a limited edition session.  Not quite volume pricing, not quite custom pricing.  These are usually priced at $999, but if you pay attention you can actually catch these on pre-sell at a HUGE (like half off) discount.  

These are not programs that you have to show up live for.  These are hosted in your membership portal so that you can access them at any time.  Masterclasses are as well.

I dropped Accelerator in January which was focused on pricing, sales & consults so that you could talk to those inquiries & book sessions at your new pricing.  You can grab that one in the shop now.  It’s an evergreen program so it will always be available for you.

I have 2 more coming up later this year that I’m totally keeping a secret from you for now.


Ok, mid level coaching option.  This is probably the one you are most familiar with - Studio Secrets.  It’s my group coaching program & is offered at $3000.  Of course, there’s a 12 month payment plan option too.  Think of this one like you would a nicely run model team program.

This is where you start getting some closer proximity to me in a group setting.  In the past I’ve offered this once a year, then twice a year.  Now it will be opening for new rounds once a quarter.  This is going to allow a smaller group to come in & get going all at one time.  So the seats will be limited for each new round based on my availability.  Sometimes this will be 20 new students, sometimes 30.  This next round will start in March, and I’ve already pre-sold 5 or 6 seats at the time of this recording.  

If you know what Studio Secrets is & you know for sure that you want in this new round, send me a DM on Instagram that just says “I want in Studio Secrets!” & I’ll make that happen for you.  If you’re on the wait list, you’ll be getting an email soon & you can go ahead & snag your spot then.  

If you have no idea what I’m talking about, let me tell ya.  This is my 12 month signature business coaching program.  It is one of the most comprehensive programs you’ll ever come across to teach you how to build & run a productive & very profitable photography business.  And I have tons of testimonials to prove that.  Let me tell you though.  Those aren’t my wins.  They are 100% those photographers’ wins.  They earned them, and I couldn’t be happier for every single one of those photographers.  

So, what does Studio Secrets look like?  It’s built on a 4 part framework - messaging, pricing, workflow & marketing.  It’s focused on getting those systems built & working for you so that you can enjoy the freedom you should have as a business owner.  I spent a lot of time teaching you how to get productive & we work on mindset a lot.  

You’ve heard me talk about this here - most of our issues as a business owner are between our own ears.  If I can get you past some of those big hurdles (boundaries, trusting yourself, trusting your clients, living in abundance instead of scarcity, feeling unworthy, worrying what others think) then most of your problems will start to fade away.  When those walls are broken down, it’s easier to build the systems up to support you.

So Studio Secrets is part course, part group coaching & part community.  We’ll get together twice a month for our coaching calls where you’ll still have some 1:1 Q&A time in there with me, just in a group setting.  There are small action groups once a month too where we break out into small groups to work on a very specific topic.  And then the BEST community ever with so much support & accountability from everyone else.  There’s just nothing else like it around.  

I’m introducing a CEO Edition of Studio Secrets this year as well that includes a lot more time with me!

So if you want in on this round, let me know.  Right now there are 15 spots left.


Ok, we’ve gone over free, low ticket offers & a mid-ticket / group offer.  Next up is what I would call a high ticket offer.  We are introducing a brand new “All In” Mastermind this quarter along with Studio Secrets.  This is the absolute best way to work with me for an entire year because it is the best of both worlds - group & 1:1.  Think of this as sort of the model team & limited edition clients all wrapped up into one big offer suite.

The “All In” Mastermind is exactly what it sounds like - everything I offer but it comes with something very cool - even closer proximity to me through Voxer access.  It’s like having me in your back pocket to coach you when you need it.  

So, the All In Mastermind includes everything I’ve just laid out for you - 12 months of all the masterclasses, all the programs, Studio Secrets course, coaching & community plus 12 months of small group Voxer coaching where you can talk to me 1:1.  Voxer is like a walkie talkie / voice text app.  So it’s me personally coaching you as you have questions.  It also includes 2x / month small group coaching sessions through zoom that you can come into when you’re stuck or when you need to deep dive into a specific topic.  

Because of the price point, this is going to be an even smaller group of photographers.  It also means next level & deeper conversations.  These aren’t the “how much should I charge for a 16x20” type of conversations.  

“All In” is the difference between building a business & growing a business.  It’s where true growth happens.  It’s where you surround yourself with photographers taking their businesses seriously, not the ones who are in year one or two trying to figure it out. There’s nothing wrong with that phase.  We’ve all been there.  We all have to grow.  But when you’ve outgrown that, you need to put yourself in a different room. 

This is a room for growth & expansion.  It is a group for leaders, not followers.  It is where you evolve into the CEO you were meant to be.  That is the power of a mastermind - putting yourself into a room where success is normalized.  Big numbers are normalized.  Next level conversations happen because of who you’ve surrounded yourself with.  Surround yourself with leaders & see where it takes you.

If you’re ready for exponential growth, decide that you’re ALL IN & let me know.  Send me a DM that says I’M ALL IN & let’s light your world on fire! 


1:1 Private Business Coaching

  • The closest proximity to me

  • Different options (3 months, 6 months, 12 months)

  • Private coaching calls + private Voxer access

  • Voxer access only

Think of this option like you would a custom client. Because this option is so time intensive on my side, I only take 3 - 4 private coaching clients on at a time.  So sometimes there’s a wait list & your round would start as someone else rolls off.  This is highly customized work.  Just you & me.   If you’re interested in working with me 1:1, let me know & I’ll break down the options for you.

Ok, here’s what I want you to know.  You are always welcome to sit at my table whether you ever pay me a dime or not.  I know what it’s like to have and to not have.  I know what it’s like to have to do it the hard way, to have to figure it out all on my own.  

Working with a coach is a paid shortcut to success.  But if you aren’t ready to invest, I get that.  That’s why I offer so many free and small ticket options.  Hang with me in those areas.  Get better.  Learn from me where you can.  Build your business.  And when you feel that it’s the right time & whatever offer I have going on at the time is in alignment with you, then let’s do this together.  Until then, you can always sit with me.     

Ok y’all.  That’s gonna be it for today.  Let’s continue building more profitable, productive & purposeful businesses so we can spend more time doing what we love with the ones we love.

If you need help with your business, reach out to me. You can always email me at heythere@seniorstudiosuccess.com. You can reach out to me on Instagram too. You guys know where to find me. If you're on my email list, just reply back. If you’re overwhelmed, need to get your systems in place, need to get your mindset worked on a little bit, I’m here for you.  If you’re ready to say YES & make a commitment to build a business you love, let’s do that.  I’d love to work with you!

Alright, y'all have a great week. I'll see you soon :)



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