083: Why You're Not Getting Booked: The Real Reasons

Hey guys!  Welcome back to the podcast.  I took a little 2 week break to focus on some personal things - the wedding, going to visit our moms & to get this house we are flipping to a place where we can get contractors in to do their work.

If you’ve been following along on social media, we just did the demo work, got the boys involved & I even slung the sledgehammer myself!

How in the world do I have time to take on a project like this?  And why in the world are we doing it?  Well, first, because I can!   The systems I’ve built in my business & the ones I teach photographers every day are allowing me the time to do something I’ve always wanted to do.  So yeah, that’s reason number two.  I’ve always wanted to do this!  And so has Brian, so we are doing it together, learning lots & having a great time. So, that’s what has been going on lately with me.

Alright, let’s get to the topic at hand, one we all have experienced.     

You are scrolling Facebook or Instagram, in a perfectly happy mood, and then you see that someone you talked to actually booked and had their session with another local photographer.

Ugh.  Punch in the gut, right?  It hurts & it can quickly send you into a downward spiral.

Let’s talk about that.  Why do clients book the other photographer?

Take a minute & come up with some reasons why.  I’m sure you have a few in your head already.  And I’m going to challenge you on those today.  

Here are 4 of the real reasons you didn’t get booked.

1. You don’t trust that people will pay your prices, that they can afford you.

A few things happen here when you don’t trust your clients.  You show up in that disbelief & it comes through in the things you say & the way that you act.  When you believe people won’t pay, you will find people who won’t pay.

So, why did they book her instead?  She valued herself & she trusted they would book.  She showed up to that consult or made that phone call in full belief that this was her perfect client, that she was worth every dollar she charged & that they wanted nothing more than to pay her for the invaluable experience she could offer.

2. You talked about all the features and the products.  She talked to that child.

She talked about the experience & how her daughter would feel, not only that day, but how that experience would impact her life.  Meanwhile you were telling that mom how many digitals she got and how many outfits she could bring.

3. You’re talking to everyone online.  

While you’re trying to fill any date on your calendar with anybody with a pulse, she knows exactly who her client is.  She is focused and has clear messaging for that mom and her senior.  Her audience knows who she is & who she works with.  She is top of mind when they need a photographer for their senior year.

4. She showed up daily with trust & certainty that her perfect clients would book her.  And she has fun while she’s doing it.  

Meanwhile, you got bummed when your post didn’t do as well as you had hoped.  You got scared when the phone didn’t ring & stopped promoting your business.  You chased the next trend or a volume job to bring in some quick cash.  She was steady.  

Your perfect clients will book you.  But it takes trust - in yourself and in your clients.  It takes consistency & it takes focusing on the things that matter.   Talk to your potential clients, make sure they know you exist, that you are there for them.  

Speak clearly to them with conviction about why they need to book right now, create that sense of urgency and trust that they will follow through.  Show up in faith, knowing they are coming & you will speak differently.  Your messaging will be so much clearer & it will come from a place of abundance, which will attract your perfect clients, instead of from a place of need & lack, which will completely repel them.  There’s a huge difference & it all starts with what you believe to be true - about yourself & your clients.

So here’s a little homework for you.  Don’t do this while you’re driving.  But I want you to do some soul-searching about the trust you have in your business, yourself & your clients.  Where is it lacking?  I bet you almost anything, that if you figure that out & turn it around, you will see different results in that area of your business.

Let me know what you think & that you were listening today.

Take a screenshot, post it & tag me in your stories.  Your sharing is why I am still here.  You getting the word out about what I do here on the podcast, whether you ever spend a dime with me or not, keeps my coaching business afloat so that I can continue helping you & other photographers just like you build more profitable, productive & purposeful businesses so that you can spend more time doing what you love with the ones you love.  

Ok. Let's continue the conversation over in the Senior Studio Success Facebook Group.  I’m always up for a good business chat.  Or you can find me over on Instagram.  Send me a DM there.  Have a great week y’all!



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