110: Planning For 2024! Don't Miss This One!

Welcome back to the podcast!

I hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend & got to spend lots of time with your family & friends.  We all need some down time & I definitely soaked mine up.

This episode is going to be pretty short & sweet because the main point I want to drive home is how important it is that you get registered for Vision Week 2024!  I’m hosting this completely free event inside Studio Secrets, my business coaching program.  I know they are excited as I am to welcome you onto our calls for a few days.  We can’t wait to help you plan your 2024!

Here’s the thing.  My business produces well over 6 figures every year.

With no nights, no weekends, no fall mini sessions, no days of back-to-back headshots, no multi-seasonal sessions.


It’s a simple business & I love it! 


Business doesn’t have to be complicated.


You don’t have to wear yourself out to make a nice income & have plenty of time for your family.

My calendar (and most of my students’ calendars) get fully booked for a few reasons every year.  One of the reasons that you may not like because it’s crazy simple is this - intentionality.

​​That's what it takes to book out your calendar.


I turn people away every year.  And it's not because I'm "so busy" that I can't handle it.  I could, but I don't want to.  It's because I know what I want my life to look like & I've built a business around it. 


My goal isn't to shoot and edit until I can't see straight anymore in the fall.  I don't want to be so depleted that there's nothing left for my family. 


That was me.  I lived that.  And it wasn't fun. 


I went from months of crickets to months of non-stop insanity.  I was sick, exhausted and I was starting to hate my business.  If that sounds familiar, stay with me here.


Not anymore.  I decided to get intentional with what I wanted, to stop "playing business".  And I never looked back!


If you're ready for a calmer, more controlled year, one that YOU own, instead of it owning you, then I'd love to help you.

If you want a BTS look and the exact steps for planning out a 6 figure year, this is the event you don't miss.

Another reason I believe my business has been successful is because I’ve been able to change my mindset - from one of lack to one of abundance.  

An abundance of time comes from 2 things - the way you think about time & the way you manage it.


Most people focus on the lack of time they have . . . what’s not there, instead of what is there.


Be honest.  How many times do you find yourself focusing on not enough hours in the day, that you’ll never catch up, you need a clone of yourself, the endless to-do list?  . . . 


This is why you stay stuck in the same reality. 


An out of control daily life, run by your clients & everyone else, scrambling for deadlines, then more sales, then more deadlines . . . it never ends.


Focusing on lack only creates more lack.


But how do you get out of that mindset and create a different perspective of time?

Try this . . . 


✨ Think of your calendar like a blank slate (we just wiped my big wall calendar clean!).  It’s completely open to whatever you desire to fill it with.  It’s full of opportunities - for more clients, for more family time, for more YOU time!


✨ You get to tell your time where to go instead of wondering where it went.  You are the boss of it!


These 2 simple shifts in your mindset can easily shift you from lack to abundance.


Combined with intentional planning, you’ll be amazed at the year you can design for yourself & your business

Seriously, I love this time of year!  When things start settling down I am the first in line to grab my big dry erase calendar and tons of post-its to start planning for the next year.  I’ve always been a planner, and I am a super dork for office supplies.  So, yeah.  It’s kind of my thing.  Haha!  


So whether you are a fellow planner at heart or you totally wish you were, I hope you’ll join me on this short but action-packed series.

This is where we finally take action on all of our post-it notes, scratch paper dreams and brainstorming lists that we’ve made for next year.


This is something I take very seriously and do without fail, every single year.  Without targets to hit and a plan for hitting them, without vision, I would just go day to day wondering if I was doing the right things in my business.  I don’t want to wait until my taxes are done to find out if I did a good job. 


If you want a proactive instead of reactive year, then let’s do this.  That’s what will drive your success.  


If you wanna take action with me and plan out your year right alongside me, get registered for Vision Week 2024.  We start laying the groundwork tomorrow, December 28th.  And we’ll keep going Jan 2nd, 3rd & 4th.  Please don’t worry if you can’t be there live. There will be replays, but you have to register in order for me to get them to you!

If you hear this episode after January 4th, send me a DM on Instagram.

Real quick - It would be silly for me to not tell you that the doors to Studio Secrets are opening in January.  If you don’t know what that is, it’s my signature business coaching program for photographers. And if you’re in Vision Week, you’ll be hanging out with a lot of them! 

Go to www.seniorstudiosuccess.com/studiosecrets to get on the wait list.  I am limiting seats to 20 this round & there are already way more than that on the wait list, so I’m pretty sure they will go fast.  

Thank you for listening today.  Here’s what I would LOVE for you to do - send the vision week link (and maybe even this podcast episode) to as many photographer friends as you possibly can & share it to your stories.  I want to fill that room up with so many amazing hearts as we can get in there!  Let’s start living in abundance right now.  Let’s start a trend of giving that never ends.  Plus it’s way more fun to brainstorm & plan with friends!  

If you found value in today’s episode, share with a friend who needs to hear it too.  My goal is to help you build a more profitable, productive & purposeful business so that you can spend more time doing what you love with the ones you love. I’ll see you over on instagram!  Have a great week y’all!


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