108: How To Get What You Want In Business

Welcome back to the podcast!  If you are listening to this in real time, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving & got to spend lots of time with your family and friends this past week.  My mom & brother came up, my aunts, uncles, cousins, the boys were here & we took our silly pyramid picture like we always do.  It’s getting a little harder the older we get!  Haha!

Life update - Brian & I have another house under contract to flip.  This one should be way simpler than the last one, something I am very thankful for!  We are hoping to close in the next 2 weeks & get started with demo.  If you want to follow along with those adventures, you can find us over on instagram at www.instagram.com/brianandjena.

So how do you get what you want in business?  Heck, in life, too?  There are lots of ways, of course - work harder, cheat the system, pay somebody else for it, get lucky.  None of those options are very appealing to me.

So I set out on a mission to figure this out several years ago & went down this personal development path that has changed my life in so many ways.  My mind has been blown by the things I’ve learned, mostly by the mindset work.

Growing up, we didn’t talk about mindset or feelings really.  You worked hard & you got what you got.  If you wanted more, you worked harder.  That’s just how it was.  I’ve come to realize over time that that’s not always the case.

I read a quote the other day that said “One year from now I want to be able to look back & say “I believed in myself & it worked.”

We’re at the end of November.  I got to thinking, what do I want to say “worked” this time next year.  What do I want?  Can I put that down on paper?

Motivational quotes are great, but how can you actually apply some of these to your life, right?

So this quote for me, was a great kicking off point to writing down some goals that I want to hit next year.  I do this anyway at the end of every year, but this sort of put the wheels in motion a little early for me. 

I want to be able to say I lived a year fulfilling my purpose - and mine is to help you fulfill yours.  I love seeing your businesses grow.  I love watching all the ways you are creating space, time & financial freedom for your families.  I love the lightbulb moments.  I love watching you come alive.  I love watching you hold your ground, stand up for yourselves, become the business owners I know you can be.  

To my current coaching clients - you are changing the game.  You are disrupting & affecting this industry more you know.  You are increasing the value of what we do & making it easier for every photographer to make a good living doing what they love.

Ok, I got on a little tangent there!  Can you tell I love my clients?!

Goals are one part of this discussion & they are awesome.  I would not be where I am today without putting goals in place each month & each year.  Without a target, you have no direction.  So that is a hill I am willing to die on if you challenge me there.  But that’s not really what we’re talking about today.

I want to talk about the last part of that quote - “I believed in myself & it worked.”

Those 2 things go together - belief in self & accomplishing something.  You will rarely have one without the other.  

And let me tell you why.  Belief starts in your mind.  And you know if you’ve been around me long enough, that I talk about this quite a bit.  Our minds are incredibly powerful.  

Your brain will offer up thoughts to you all day long, sometimes all night long.

And guess what?  Those thoughts you choose to believe?  They are optional.

You get to choose what you believe and don’t believe.

The people I see struggle the most with their businesses are the ones who wallow in the negative thoughts.  

Every thought comes with an emotion.  You will have an internal response to everything that you think.  You might feel defeated, elated, overwhelmed, joyful, angry, hopeful.  Those internal responses will eventually show themselves as external results in your life.

Let me tell you.  The things that you have chosen to believe to be true for the last 3 to 6 months are giving you the results in your life today.  That is how powerful your thoughts are.  

So how do we get to “and it worked”?

You have to rewire your brain.  You have to intentionally choose to believe in yourself.  And that’s not easy on some days.  That’s why I said “intentionally choose”.  Remember that our thoughts are a choice?  

And this is not “say some positive affirmations & magic happens” sort of thing.  This type of work on yourself goes so much deeper than that.  This is identity work & it takes a while.  But it’s worth it.  This is the type of work I do with my life coaching clients & I bring a good bit of it inside Studio Secrets because it’s so necessary if you want to get those big results in your business.

That belief in yourself creates a feeling of confidence, of hope, of abundance.  And from those emotions, you will do things a whole lot differently than when you are beating yourself up or when you’re in this state of “i don’t know”.  Ever been there?  Yeah, it sucks.  The things you do in those confident moments will give you those results you are looking for.  It will give you the “and it worked” moments.

So, here’s what I’ll offer up to you today.  What do you need to stop believing?  What thoughts are not serving you that you need to get rid of?  And what do you need to start replacing them with?

Every one of my coaching clients believed in themselves before they took the action to pull out that credit card to sign on with me.  

Belief in self, heck yeah let’s go feelings, and now they’re in my world getting results like crazy - like 10x income, like family vacations, new cars, retiring husbands.  None of that is possible without first intentionally choosing to believe in yourself.

If you’re there, if you’re ready to start believing in yourself again, if you want to look back a year from now & say “yeah, it worked”, then you’re the kind of person I want to work with.

Studio Secrets is my signature business coaching program for photographers.  You need to be on that wait list so when I open the doors again, you are one of the first ones through them.

Go to www.seniorstudiosuccess.com/studiosecrets to get on that list.

But I want you to start today and every day after that, remembering that every thought is optional.  You have the power to choose the ones to believe in.  My hope is that you will choose to throw out the trash & choose to fill your life full of thoughts of  purpose, potential, love and abundance.

Thank you for listening today.  If you got something out of today’s episode, share with a friend who needs to hear it too.  My goal is to help you build a more profitable, productive & purposeful business so that you can spend more time doing what you love with the ones you love. I’ll see you over on instagram!  Have a great week y’all!


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